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Austerity is: about fiscal consolidation, public sector reforms, and the flexibilization of labour markets

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Austerity has: triggered social protest, electoral defeats, international tensions, and significant academic controversy

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Austerity is: a resilient economic theory which has endured despite robust criticism and a lack of evidence that cuts lead to economic growth

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Austerity has: in practice, systematically reduced governments' revenues, in addition to cutting spending
Austerity and its Alternatives
This project seeks to expand conversations around alternatives to austerity between academics, non-academic researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. On this site you will find our work (under 'Research' and 'Media') created by our participants (listed in the 'About Us' page). We aim to mobilize knowledge across our network of academic and non-academic partners in a clear, concise, and informative way. Join the #altausterity conversation today.