Frequently Asked Questions about the RDC

The Canadian Research Data Centre Network

RDC Network
Links to all Research Data Centre's across Canada

Statistics Canada Data Liberation Initiative

Statistics Canada RDC Program
Decision-makers need an up-to-date and in-depth understanding of Canadian society to help them respond today's needs and to anticipate tomorrow's as well.

RDC events and conferences
The Network and individual RDCs offer many learning and training opportunities to researchers, students and the greater public across Canada.

RDC Information and Technical Bulletin
Forum by which Statistics Canada analysts and the research community can inform each other on survey data uses and methodological techniques

McMaster University Library Data & Statistics
How to find data and statistics at McMaster - The Library Data Service facilitates the use of specialized electronic research data products.
Software Available
The following software is available to researchers in the RDC:
- SAS 9.4
- IBM SPSS Statistics 29
- STATA 18
- STATA 18 MP2
- R v.4.3.2
- R Studio 2023
- Mplus edition 7.11
- MLwinN 2.35
As well, researchers may bring their own specialized software to the RDC. Please contact the Analyst for further details.
Selected Statistics Canada Surveys
Below is a partial list of surveys and datasets held in the McMaster RDC. The information for each includes target populations, sample sizes, survey design, and selected content. Please keep in mind that some concepts may vary between publicly available data and the master files available in the RDC. Contact staff for more information.
- Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS)
- Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) - Annual Component
- Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) - Healthy Aging
- Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)- Mental Health (CCHS-MH)
- Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR)
- Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS)
- Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD)
- Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS)
- Census of Population (1901 to 2016)
- Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS)
- General Social Survey (GSS) – Time Use
- General Social Survey (GSS) – Canadians' Safety
- General Social Survey – Giving, Volunteering and Participating (GSS GVP)
- Longitudinal Administrative Databank (LAD) T1 Family File
- Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
- Labour Force Survey (LFS) Rebase
- Longitudinal and International Study of Adults (LISA)
- National Graduates Survey (NGS)
- National Cannabis Survey (NCS)
- Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS) 2014
- Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies in Canada (PIAAC)
- Survey of Household Spending (SHS)