McMaster RDC Research Projects
The final step in each contract is submitting a product; this must be done in order to fulfil the contractual obligations agreed upon between the researcher and Statistics Canada. The types of outputs that may be submitted as products include:
- RDC working paper: A paper for the RDC working paper series authored by the Principal Investigator for Statistics Canada.
- Peer-reviewed journal article: A journal article authored by the Principal Investigator for a peer-reviewed journal.
- Book or Book chapter: A book or book chapter authored by the Principal Investigator.
- Thesis or Dissertation: A graduate level thesis or dissertation.
- Commissioned Report: A commissioned report authored by the Principal Investigator.

A list of all research outcomes from the McMaster RDC

Peer-reviewed Papers
A list of peer-reviewed papers by year

Working Papers
A list of working papers by year

Recent RDC Projects
List of all RDC projects within the last 12 months